Hive报错"Expression not in GROUP BY key"的解决方案 hive写查询语句时如果需要分组,且有些查询的列不需要变化,那么直接写会报错,需要写成collect_set("列名")[0] as "列名" 例如SELECT id,latitude,longitude FROM t_po GROUPBY id ;会报错,应该写成 SELECTid, collect_set(latitude)[0]as latitude,collect...
1.Hive不允许直接访问非group by字段;2.对于非group by字段,可以用Hive的collect_set函数收集这些字段,返回一个数组;3.使用数字下标,可以直接访问数组中的元素;使用collect_set()函数包围非group by字段后,问题解决。
Hive中提示Expression Not In Group By Key的解决办法 问题出现的原因: 1.Hive不允许直接访问非group by字段; 2.对于非group by字段,可以用Hive的collect_set函数收集这些字段,返回一个数组; 3.使用数字下标,可以直接访问数组中的元素; select publish_time,count(publish_time) as num from creationtime_out2 ...
1.Hive不允许直接访问非group by字段; 2.对于非group by字段,可以用Hive的collect_set函数收集这些字段,返回一个数组; 3.使用数字下标,可以直接访问数组中的元素; MySQL中代码: select d.dname,count(*) num from emp e join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno where e.sal<=2500 group by e.deptno order b...
z7yechanged the titlequery data error HiveServer2Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10025]: Line 1:7 Expression not in GROUP BY key 'day'Apr 7, 2022 cpcloudclosed this ascompletedApr 8, 2022 cpcloudadded thequestionQuestions about the librarylabelApr 8, 202...
=Sum(Fields!LineTotal.Value,"Order") You can also use theSumfunction for conditional aggregate calculations. For example, imagine you have a dataset that has a field namedStatewith possible values Not Started, Started, and Finished. The following expression, when placed in a group header, cal...
解决[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause 的问题 MySQL 2019-12-07 00:17 −错误: Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which ... ...
=Sum(Fields!LineTotal.Value,"Order") You can also use theSumfunction for conditional aggregate calculations. For example, imagine you have a dataset that has a field namedStatewith possible values Not Started, Started, and Finished. The following expression, when placed in a group header, calcu...
Indicates whether the value in the input control is valid. FindControl(String, Int32) Searches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id and an integer, specified in the pathOffset parameter, which aids in the search. You should not override this version of the...
In contrast, an item in aMapcan be accessed using a string literal key; no coercion is required: ${customer.orders["socks"]} An rvalue expression also refers directly to values that are not objects, such as the result of arithmetic operations and literal values, as shown by these examples...