解释“expression must have pointer type”错误信息含义: “expression must have pointer type”错误通常出现在C或C++等编程语言中,当尝试对一个非指针类型的表达式执行需要指针类型参数的操作时。这意味着你的代码中有某个地方期望一个指针(比如用于解引用、赋值给指针变量、或者作为需要指针参数的函数的参数),但你...
因为子文件中引用主程序定义的结构体出错。解决:将子程序文件中 子函数移至主文件。结构体也是一种数据类型,只不过在这种数据类型中又包含了几个基本的数据类型。构体变量在内存中的存放和基本数据类型变量在内存中的存放是不同的,基本数据类型的存放系统是会给分配一块连续的空间用来存放,而结构体...
Use class c2 { public: int i; }; class c1 { public: c2 func() { return c2(); } }; void main(void) { std::shared_ptr<c1> ptr = std::make_shared<c1>(); ptr->func()->i; } Bug: "expression must have a pointer type" is shown on the "ptr", whi...
X(I)之类的小括号改为方括号X[I]小括号表示函数调用, 方括号才表示数组索引
aaqueous solutions of CMC at natural pH (B7.8)[translate] a..\nTRX_V1\nano_main.c(521): error: #44: expression must have pointer type 。\ nTRX_V1 \ nano_main.c (521) : 错误: #44: 表示必须有尖类型[translate]
..\nTRX_V1\nano_main.c(521): error: #44: expression must have pointer type问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 .. \ ntrx_v1 \ nano_main.c(521):错误:#44:表达式必须具有指针类型 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 1\..\ntrx_vnano_main.c(521):错误:#44:表达式必须有指针类型 ...
广告 C语言subscript requires array or pointer type错误是什么意思 应该是说对于非数组和指针类型的变量,不能用[]这样的下标符号。比如:int i;i[0] = 5;就会出这个问题。因为i SqlServersubstring(expression,start,length)函数 1 2 Syntax for SUBSTRING: SUBSTRING(expression, 「新」2022正版捕鱼游戏- 注册送...
pd is a pointer to the start of the array. pd[i] is an element of the array. In this case, you would use the "." operator instead of the "->" operator. Why do you think there are 8 elements in the array? pd[i] has type pointer to PictureBoxArray. Why do you think it ...
On line 7 of my code I declared a constant in the global scope called pi. I then later tried to use it in my function called circleArea that i defined on line 59. when entering my constant pi, an error popped up that told me Error: expression must have(pointer-to-) function type....
int m,n,i,a,b,c,a[900],j 两个变量a重复了。换个名字。