“expression must have integral or unscoped enum type” 是一个编译时错误,表明在C或C++程序中,某个表达式使用了非整数类型(integral type)或未作用域枚举类型(unscoped enum type),而该表达式需要一个整数类型或未作用域枚举类型的操作数。 分析导致该错误的常见原因 操作符使用错误:例如,使用 %(取模运算符)...
expression must have integral or unscoped enum type? expression must have pointer-to-object or handle-to-C++/CLI-array type Problem Expression:(L"Buffer is too small" &&0) error from strcpy_s() function Extract String from EXE Extract strings from process memory f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship...
I don't even know what this error means. Error: expression must have integral or unscoped enum type. It show's up on line 18. This is connected to another cpp file and a header file but those don't have any errors. 1 2 3
expression must have integral or unscopedenumtype This error shows in x0 and y0, I tried using atan2 as well without std:: but still same problem. Do I have to convert my XX and YY or x0 and y0? Apr 13, 2021 at 2:11am
What type is the expression inside parentheses? In one case, you expect it to have a value of 0, presumably of type int; in another, a value of type pair<string, double>. There's no way to coerce the two to a single type.
There should be no implicit integral-floating conversion. V2565. MISRA. A function should not call itself either directly or indirectly. V2566. MISRA. Constant expression evaluation should not result in an unsigned integer wrap-around. V2567. MISRA. Cast should not remove 'const' / 'volatile'...
There should be no implicit integral-floating conversion. V2565. MISRA. A function should not call itself either directly or indirectly. V2566. MISRA. Constant expression evaluation should not result in an unsigned integer wrap-around. V2567. MISRA. Cast should not remove 'const' / 'volatile'...
There should be no implicit integral-floating conversion. V2565. MISRA. A function should not call itself either directly or indirectly. V2566. MISRA. Constant expression evaluation should not result in an unsigned integer wrap-around. V2567. MISRA. Cast should not remove 'const' / 'volatile'...
There should be no implicit integral-floating conversion. V2565. MISRA. A function should not call itself either directly or indirectly. V2566. MISRA. Constant expression evaluation should not result in an unsigned integer wrap-around. V2567. MISRA. Cast should not remove 'const' / 'volatile'...
IF statement - Error: expression must have integral or unscoped enum type Nov 19, 2014 at 2:21am bulba5aur(11) What am I doing wrong here? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 #include <iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain() {for(doublea = 600851475143 / 2; a > 0; a--) ...