The package forproteomicslabelfreequantificationprolfqua(read : prolevka) evolved from a set of scripts and functions written in the R programming language to visualize and analyze mass spectrometric data, and some of them are still in R packages such as quantable, protViz or imsbInfer. For com...
Note: please read the documents above in the order before creating your own model. If you have any questions please start an Issue in Github. Support for other programming languages Rust wrapper Ruby wrapper Supported Platforms Bling Fire is supported for Windows, Linux and Mac (Thanks to Andrew...
The root microbiota is critical for agricultural yield, with growth-promoting bacteria able to solubilise phosphate, produce plant growth hormones, antagonise pathogens and fix N2. Plants control the microorganisms in their immediate environment and this
The molecular mechanisms underlying the sex differences in human muscle morphology and function remain to be elucidated. The sex differences in the skeletal muscle transcriptome in both the resting state and following anabolic stimuli, such as resistance exercise (RE), might provide insight to the con...
In this short chapter, we describe the assets of our software package, and we report an example of its usage. We believe that geneExpressionFromGEO can be very useful for the R community of bioinformaticians working on gene expression data. 展开 ...
Retrotransposons are highly prevalent in most animals and account for more than 35% of the human genome. However, the prevalence, biogenesis mechanism and
Orexins (hypocretins) have been implicated in the regulation of the normal sleep–wake cycle, in sensorimotor programming, and in other homeostatic and neuroregulatory processes. The present study examined the effects of sleep deprivation (SD) and sleep recovery on the expression of orexin 1 recept...
Finally, these values of the GhSOD candidates were extracted and plotted using MySQL and the R programming language, respectively. Plant materials and stress treatments Upland cotton TM-1 (provided by State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Shandong Agricultural University) was employed in this study....
2.1. Gene expression programming (GEP) The fixed size strings are used in genetic algorithm (GA). Koza extended GA, and suggested an alternative solution known as genetic programming (GP) [103]. Fig. 1 illustrates the method to develop a computer program through GP approach to solve a proble...
FDR as calculated above was created by calculating the matrix of correlation scores between all the significant gene sets, taking the Euclidean distance between the rows of this matrix, and then hierarchically clustering these distances using the complete linkage algorithm in R’s hclust function52. ...