3. 解决方法 移除无用表达式:如果表达式确实没有用处,应该直接删除。 赋值或利用结果:如果表达式的结果是有用的,应该将其赋值给变量或在逻辑判断中使用。 修正逻辑错误:如果表达式的意图是产生副作用,确保副作用确实发生了。4. 避免建议 代码审查:在编写和修改代码时,定期进行代码审查,确保每个表达式都有其明确的...
j<<1;这句是无效的,因为没有保存运算的结果。改为:j = j << 1;另外,你还要看一下,在这段代码之前j的值是否已经是确定的。
局部代码如下: void PieVectTableInit (void) void main(void) [ PieVectTableInit; ] 编译时出现warning:expression has no effect 求助ti人,谢谢。回帖(3)刘浩 2018-10-10 11:23:01 PieVectTableInit(); 举报 h1654155275.5842 2018-10-10 11:39:32...
warning c275:expression with possibly no effect 今天运行一个程序 ,产生这个警告 虽然对结果没有影响,可是我想知道 ,
Compiler is generating a warning in .c when an API SetQuizBuckUFalt is called. The warning says expression has no side effect which means "statement does not change the program’s state", however the functionality is working fine for us but we need to understand why ...
不知道怎么回事,这几天我的ICCAVR有点不太对劲,总出现expression with no effect elided这个警号 还有...
for( ; ; )是分号,不是逗号。
main.c(20): warning C275: expression with possibly no effect main.c(20): error C141: syntax error near '=' 很奇怪,提示“duan = 0x7c”这句有误,就一个最简单的赋值为什么不对?百思不得其解。 #include<reg52.h> #define duan P0; ...
*** WARNING C275 IN LINE 124 OF C:\...\list.c: expression with possibly no effect My understanding that with most compilers, the (void)arg construct specifically indicates that arg is to be ignored. With the Keil compiler, what's the correct way to inhibit this warning?Top...