express-simple-logger 今天在改公司的一个express的老项目,在调试过程中,没找到像koa-logger类似的logger中间件。无奈自己造了一个轮子,已经发布到npm了,并且加上了时间,配合pm2可以完成一部分的log需求,而不必使用log4js. 效果 [2019-7-2217:24:30]<--GET/[2019-7-2217:24:31]-->GET/200835ms[2019-7...
在升级了express 4 后执行express.logger('dev')服务器报错 Error: Most middleware (like logger) is no longer bundled with Express and must be installed separately. 解决方法 1.降级express到 3 "express": "~3.0.0" 2.添加需要的模块 "morgan": "~1.0.0" var logger = require('morgan'); app....
为Express.js编写一个Logger Express.js 是Node.js下最基础最灵活的Web服务器。 Express的日志工具有很多,比如默认的访问日志工具 morgan , 通用日志工具 winston 等等。 本文便来发掘一下这些日志工具的优秀特性,并一一给出实现: 对象输出、日期前缀、访问日志,模块名前缀,以及彩色输出等。 JSON Stringify JavaScript...
npm install logger-express Usage To use the logger, import the package into your code: import { logger } from "logger-express"; const loggerOption = { logToFile: true, // If you need to log information to a file colorize: true, // enable console colors infoColor: "magenta", // set...
Function that translate statusCode into log level. Themetaargument is an object consisting of all the fields gathered by bunyan-express-logger, before exclusions are applied. function(status,err/* only will work in error logger */,meta){// return string of levelif(meta["response-time"]>30000...
Function that translate statusCode into log level. Themetaargument is an object consisting of all the fields gathered by bunyan-express-logger, before exclusions are applied. function(status,err/* only will work in error logger */,meta){// return string of levelif(meta["response-time"]>30000...
Returns Express middleware configured according to givenoptions. Middleware must be mounted before all other middleware to ensure accurate capture of requests. The error handler must be mounted before other error handler middleware. Kind: static method ofexpress-elasticsearch-logger ...
Express morgan logger是一个中间件,用于在Express应用程序中记录HTTP请求的详细信息。它可以记录请求的URL、HTTP方法、响应状态码、响应时间等信息,并将其输出到控制台或日志文件中。 "反转义"查询字符串是指将URL中的特殊字符进行转义,以便能够正确地解析和处理查询参数。在URL中,特殊字符如空格、&、=等需要进...
Hello, Thank you for your reply. I understand your discomfort about it, however, this is not a device related to the processor, you need to check