angular-dialog-service angular-environment angular-es angular-feature-flags angular-file-saver angular-file-upload angular-formly angular-fullscreen angular-gettext angular-google-analytics angular-gridster angular-growl-v2 angular-hotkeys angular-http-auth angular-httpi angular-idle angular-jwt angul...
The information contained in the Company Directories is provided for business lookup purposes and is not to be used for marketing or telemarketing applications. This information may not be copied or redistributed and is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind. In no event will The Expres...
Zip Code Lookup Freight Estimate FAQs Create New Account Upload ID Instruction notice More Loading... Independent Day Holiday Notice Memorial Day Holiday Notice Old Website Shutdown Notice New China Customs Taxation Policy Business Relocation China...
new LookUpColumnInfo() { FieldName = "HandNo", Caption = "产品编码", Width = 60}, new LookUpColumnInfo() { FieldName = "MaterialCode", Caption = "物料编码", Width = 60}, new LookUpColumnInfo() { FieldName = "BarCode", Caption = "条形码", Width = 60}, new LookUpColumnInfo()...
var list = await BLLFactory<IProductService>.Instance.GetAllInUsed(); productNameEdit.BindDictItems(list, "ProductName", "Id", true, new LookUpColumnInfo[] { new LookUpColumnInfo() { FieldName = "ProductType", Caption = "产品类型", Width = 90}, ...
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired. 11.1...
If lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value in the first row of table_array, HLOOKUP returns the #N/A error value. If range_lookup is FALSE and lookup_value is text, you can use the wildcard characters, question mark (?) and asterisk (*), in lookup_value. A question...
Creates dynamic persistent assemblies. The XAF user interface allows us to create an assembly without writing a single line of code. Advanced users can even use c# scripting and create new code generation templates. Blogs: ...
Secure Code Warrior (Independent Publisher) SeeBotRun - Link SeekTable Seismic Seismic Configuration Seismic Content Discovery Seismic Engagement Seismic Library Seismic Livedoc Seismic Planner Seismic Workspace SendFox (Independent Publisher) SendGrid Sendmode Serverless360 BAM & Tracking Service Bus Service...
A DNS (domain name service) leak test is basically a lookup of your active IP (internet protocol) address. That's the unique number identifying your general location and the name of your internet service provider that's assigned to your device when it's connected to the internet. By running...