and then make sure patients use these solutions effectively,” Mark Bini, chief patient experience officer for Express Scripts, said in a news release. “With the Express Scripts Digital Health Formulary, we’ve created more than just a list of approved programs or a vendor management p...
The article focuses on the addition of the cholesterol-lowering drugs such as PCSK9 inhibitors Praluent and Repatha to the National Preferred Formulary of Express Scripts, a pharmacy benefit management organization.doi:10.1007/s40274-015-2548-1None...
Ridgefield, Conn., July 13, 2023 –Boehringer Ingelheim announced today that Cyltezo®(adalimumab-adbm) injection, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved Interchangeable biosimilar to Humira®(adalimumab), has been added to Express Scripts’ National Preferred Formulary. Cyltezo is...
Throughtargetedphonecalls,introducesinjuredworkerstoExpressScriptsandremindsthemtopresent•IncreasednetworkpenetrationW WelcomeCalls theirpharmacyIDcardwhenfillingprescriptions•Costcontrol t nReviewspaperbillsreceivedfrompharmaciesandthird-partybillersagainsttheclient’sformularyandthe ...
Express Scripts Holding Co. (NASDAQ:ESRX) announced its 2019 National Preferred Formulary Exclusions, noting that the exclusions were driven not only by t...
chief patient experience officer for Express Scripts, said in a news release. “With the Express Scripts Digital Health Formulary, we’ve created more than just a list of approved programs or a vendor management process. We built a foundation for the future of care and pharmacy that will deliv...
Express Scripts and AbbVie Ink Landmark Formulary Exclusivity DealRandi Hernandez
Express Scripts may switch hepatitis C drugs on preferred formularyWhile pharmaceutical manufacturer AbbVie's new hepatitis C drug has not yet been approved by FDA, pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts has expressed interest in switching to the drug in its preferred drug formula...
How Express Scripts will manage pricey cholesterol drugsChristine BlankContributing Editor
Cathy Kelly