Set the ETag response header. For possible values, see the etag options table. More about the HTTP ETag header. weak jsonp callback name String Specifies the default JSONP callback name. “callback” json escape Boolean Enable escaping JSON responses from the res.json, res.jsonp, and...
JSONP 创建文件0727_19.js如下: const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.get('/jsonp', (req, res) => { const funcName = req.query.callback; const data = {name: 'Tom', age: 20}; const str = `${funcName}(${JSON.stringify(data)})`; res.send(str); ...
res.jsonp() Send a JSON response with JSONP support. res.redirect() Redirect a request. res.render() Render a view template. res.send() Send a response of various types. res.sendFile() Send a file as an octet stream. res.sendStatus() Set the response status code and send its stri...
With this enabled, the session identifier cookie will expire inmaxAgesince the last response was sent instead of inmaxAgesince the session was last modified by the server. This is typically used in conjuction with short, non-session-lengthmaxAgevalues to provide a quick timeout of the session...
一、入门案例 // 0. 安装 // 1. 引包 var express = require('express') // 2. 创建你服务器应用程序 // 也就是原来的 http.createServer var app = express() // 在 Express 中开放资源就是一个 API 的事儿 // 只要这样做了,你就可以直接通过 /public/xx 的方式访问 public 目录中的所有资源了...
When your proxy server responds with an error, express-http-proxy returns a response with the same status code. See test/catchingErrors for syntax details.When your proxy server times out, express-http-proxy will continue to wait indefinitely for a response, unless you define a timeout as ...
Infer the types of responses (status code, body, headers), allow type checking them according to your expectations. Middleware are fully typed. This means that you no longer have to guess what's available in req, or whether a middleware short-circuits and returns a response. Instead, everyth...
"application/json" verify 如果提供此选项,则称为verify(req,res,buf,encoding),其中buf是原始请求主体的缓冲区,编码是请求的编码。解析可以通过抛出错误来中止。 Function undefined express.static(root, options) 这是Express中内置的中间件功能。它提供静态文件并基于服务静态。 注:为获得最佳结果,请使用反向代理缓...
这个方法实际上来自Node核心模块,具体的是response.end() method of http.ServerResponse。 用来快速结束请求,没有任何的数据。如果你需要发送数据,可以使用res.send()和res.json()这类的方法。 res.end(); res.status(404).end(); res.format(object) 进行内容协商,根据请求的对象中AcceptHTTP头部指定的接受...
res.json() res.jsonp() res.links() res.location() res.redirect() res.render() res.send() res.sendFile() res.sendStatus() res.set() res.status() res.type() res.vary() Response res对象表示的是Express收到了HTTP请求时的应答. ...