The meaning of EXPRESS is to represent in words : state. How to use express in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Express.
The meaning of EXPRESS is to represent in words : state. How to use express in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Express.
Today’s grim financial fact has shown economists and federal governments that bypassing the regulations of mathematics is difficult. It is a reality that banks around the world are lowering their rate of interest while increasing their charges. It is a truth that rising cost of living prices ar...
Gaursons stress on customer’s trust has become the winning mantra. A fact our customers would vouch for. "The synonym of trust in realty" that’s what Gaursons India Limited stands for. Setting a strong foundation to every endeavor for building better infrastructure. The future surely belongs...
The meaning of EXPRESS is to represent in words : state. How to use express in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Express.
Choose the Right Synonym for express Verb express, vent, utter, voice, broach, air mean to make known what one thinks or feels. express suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, actions, or what one creates or produces. expressed her feelings in music vent stresses a strong ...
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Appendix A. Examples Translation (1) Sound, colour. First of all, we feel the taste in our mouth. When he saw that I was entering the girl’s room. My nose would smell him, if he were inside. (2) To see, to hear, to smell, to tast...