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Does Priceline still have Express Deals for car rentals? I'm trying to find, but not getting it on their website. Their cancellable rates are really bad compared to Costco Travel car rental rates, around 4 times as much money.
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Priceline 的 Express Deals 是订酒店的一大神器,但 Express Deals 在下单时只能看到酒店所在的大概区域和星级,无法知道具体是哪家酒店,给行程的安排带来了许多不便。FT 的网友 @hotelcanary 为我们带来了他的 Chrome 插件 Hotel Canary(原文链接) ...
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Can you help me ID the following 3.5* property in downtown Phoenix, AZ using Priceline Express Deals Dates March 7-8. 1 Room Amenities: Fitness, No Smoking Rooms/Facilities, Pets Allowed, Restaurant, Swimming Pool $142/night Thanks in advance!