shell脚本报错"expr: syntax error" 解决方案 几天前写了个shell脚本,在自己本地测试服务器上运行正常,在线上服务器环境,运行报错syntax error near unexpected token `,左看右看shell脚本没有问题,没有办法google搜索,发现一位仁兄转载的讲的挺好,拿来记录一下。内容如下: 用命令vi -b 打开你的SHELL脚本文件,你...
需要注意的是,expr命令中运算符两边的操作数如果包含空格或者可能是空字符串,空格前必须加上转义字符(\),或者将操作数放在引号中。这是因为空格在Shell中有特殊意义(被当成参数分隔符),而空字符串通常不会被Shell传递给命令,在这种情况下命令会显示错误信息:expr: syntax error。这一点适用很多场景,但在Bash中使用...
egrep在shell中的用法 shell中的expr expr用于求取表达式的数值,格式为 expr 表达式 1. 1、表达式说明 表达式中使用空格隔开每一项,这和shell中数组一样 使用反斜杠放在shell特定的字符前面,如括号、乘号\(,\),\* 对包含空格和其他特殊字符的字符串要用引号括起来 expr会在stdout中输出结果。如果为逻辑关系表达式,...
This is an example of how expr can be used in a shell script to do variable arithmetic: a=2 a=`expr $a + 1` echo $a 3 Parentheses can be placed around the part of an expression you want evaluated first. Be careful with the syntax; the backslashes and whitespace are essential: ...
expr: Syntax Error Hello. I use below commands in my script: fic=$(basename $extent_full) long=`expr length $fic` lgext=`expr $long - 1` ext=`expr substr $fic $lgext 2` Is there something incorrect with syntax as the error is coming everytime: ...
Syntax: test expression OR [ expression ] Example: Following script determine whether given argument number is positive. $ cat > ispostive #!/bin/sh # # Script to see whether argument is positive # if test $1 -gt 0 then echo "$1 number is positive" ...
in that script i want to get the average of floating values like.5.622.753.411.082.412.69---that means total of all valuses / no. of values. i had used SUM=`expr $SUM + $VALUE`, it shows the following error.expr: Syntax errorexpr: An integer value was expected.what should I do ...
$ expr 5 \* 2 10 4. Increment the value inside the script The example below increments the $count variable value to 1 inside the shell script. echo $count count=`expr $count + 1` Syntax and Options expr EXPRESSION expr OPTION Related Commands...
syntax error Operator and operand errors. non-numeric argument Arithmetic is attempted on such a string.NotesThe following three operators are not CSI enabled. They are also not available in /usr/xpg4/bin/expr and /usr/xpg6/bin/expr:
2 file1 file2 13的代码 此外,shell不能对浮点数进行算术运算使用shell进行浮点算术运算不是标准的: