网络安哥拉运输及物流博览;国际运输与物流博览会 网络释义 1. 安哥拉运输及物流博览 ...总监Victor Alexandre周日在罗安达“安哥拉运输及物流博览”(Expotrans)期间说,安政府已投资成立Secil Maritima——公营 …|基于2个网页 2. 国际运输与物流博览会 卡瓦略在首届罗安达国际运输与物流博览会(...
展会地点:墨西哥·瓜达拉哈拉 展会届数:两年一届 展会规模:预计展览面积超过70,000平方米,将汇集来自30多个国家的500多个国际知名品牌和与会者。展会简介:墨西哥商用车卡车展是中美洲规模最大最专业的商用车卡车展,商用车卡车客车重型车展中最有代表性的展会,2025年展会将扩大一个馆,也设有专门的配件馆 。墨...
ExpoTrans Logistics Corp. has been transporting goods and vehicles to every city in the country and overseas for three generations - providing transportation for goods and cars, and meeting the needs of today's fast paced business.
shanghai expotrans limited. is a joint-venture established in 1988 by three partners; shanghai international exhibition co., ltd, sinotrans shanghai (group) co., ltd. and schenker international (h.k.) ltd. the company is a first-grade forwarding agent (including air freight) in china, and...
贸易伙伴 10 顶级贸易伙伴 BIOFORCE USA 港口 5 Top Port New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey 联系信息 Expotrans Spa As Agent For: All World Shipping Corp. Viale A. G. Eiffel 100 P44 00148 Roma - Italy Expotrans Spa As Agent For: 提单记录 ...
Expotrans Spa Notify Party Address VIA CALVINO 7, 20017 RHO, ITALY TAXID 03903121006 Weight 39219 Weight Unit K Weight in KG 39219.0 Quantity 3391 Quantity Unit PCS Shipment Origin Mexico Details 39,219.0 kg From port: Veracruz, Mexico
简体中文 EXPOTRANSWORLD LTD Trusted Partner of the Expo World EXPOTRANSWORLD is a professional logistics service provider offering total solutions to the world of exhibitions. Our services cover shipment planning, transportation and packaging, customs & quarantine inspection handling, on-site handling, ...
国际分类:39类-运输贮藏 服务项: 3901搬运、货运、运输、物流运输; 3902码头装卸、海上运输; 3903汽车运输; 3904空中运输; 3906货物贮存、仓库贮存; 基本信息 商标名称运展环球物流有限公司 EXPOTRANSWORLD LTD. 申请号13242553国际分类39类-运输贮藏商标分类表 ...