Among 80 cases with narrowly defined schizophrenia (ICD-10 = F20) maternal x-rays in months 3 and 4 were associated, respectively, with adjusted RRs of 3.08 (0.75-12.6, based on 2 cases), and 2.04 (0.64-6.46, 3 cases). Offspring of mothers exposed to x-ray radiation during the third...
Nevertheless, short latency periods have been reported for cancers associated with exposure to chemicals in adults16 and exposure to radiation in children.17 We hypothesized that any exposure-related cancers would be more likely to emerge at least 5 years after September 11 and thus divided the ...
To ensure that we did not include patients who may have had occult thyroid cancer that had gone undiagnosed prior to the study period, we excluded patients with a past medical history of thyroid disorders (ICD-10 E07.9), thyroid cancer (ICD-10 C73), or thyroid nodules (ICD-10 E04.1) (...
( Time,4 df/ per\ year\right)+ ns\left( Minimum\ temperature\right)+ ns\ (Precipitation)+ ns\left(\ Humidity\right)+ ns\left( Solar\ radiation\right)+ Dow+ Holiday+ COVID-19\ cases+ ICD10\left(\ J20-J22\right)+ ICD10\ \left(\textrm{J}30-\textrm{J}39\right)+{\varepsilon...
Exposure to per concentration increased unit of the air pollutant of interest in the same population • Increment for hazard ratio not given Outcome • Health outcomes selected in relation to long-term exposure include (ICD 10 codes, version 2016 in brackets): all cause (A00-Z99); respirato...
Introduction With greater reliance on medical imaging by clinicians,1 concern has been raised about the effects of ionizing radiation to a fetus during pregnancy.2,3 There is general acceptance that whenever possible clinicians should choose an imaging modality during pregnancy that has little or no ...
Over one million European children undergo computed tomography (CT) scans annually. Although moderate- to high-dose ionizing radiation exposure is an established risk factor for hematological malignancies, risks at CT examination dose levels remain uncer
Awareness of the human health impacts of exposure to air pollution is growing rapidly. For example, it has become evident that the adverse health effects of air pollution are more pronounced in disadvantaged populations. Policymakers in many jurisdictions have responded to this evidence by enacting ...
Our reliance on registry data precluded the assessment of personal information that could have been collected only through active involvement of study participants, such as history of exposure to ionizing radiation, early life nutrition (e.g., breastfeeding), maternal and child medical conditions (e...
Several studies have demonstrated that mobile telephones that use different technologies, such as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) or Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), have the potential to influence the functionality of active electronic implants, including cardiac pacemakers. Ac...