A similar expression isslip of the pen, referring to a written mistake. According toOEDcitations, this expression appeared in print by the mid-17th century, antedatingslip of the tongueby 65 years. spill one’s gutsTo reveal one’s most intimate thoughts and feelings; to lay bare one’s...
In multivariable analyses, HPV-16 seropositivity was significantly more common in WSM vs MSW, recMSM vs MSW, and recMSMvs insMSM. HPV-18 results were similar. Route of sexual exposure is independently associated with HPV seropositivity. 展开 ...
Exposure is one of the most fundamental photography terms. When you take a picture, you press the shutter button to open a camera’s aperture, and light streams in, triggering a response from a sensor. Exposure is the amount of light that reaches your camera’s sensor, creating visual data...
usually be found in mainstream movies or soaps. If the depiction of sexual intercourse involves nudity, it is not center-stage and does not show intimate touching. In sexuallysemi-explicit content, nudity is the center of attention. The depiction of sexual intercourse involves intimate touching and...
CONCLUSIONS: There is little evidence that the availability of PEP for sexual exposures may be related to increased sexual risk-taking among gay men in San Francisco. The potential impact of PEP on risk behavior must, however, still be considered as part of the larger context of HIV/AIDS ...
Written by people who wish to remain anonymous “Exposure” is a poem that describes the experience of World War One soldiers waiting in the cold. They are slowly freezing to death. They are listening to the distant gunshots of the battle, but are stuck in the cold, doing nothing, left ...
In control rats, the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) is larger in males than in females whereas the MPO is larger in females than in males. TCDD exposure had no effect on the volume of either the SDN-POA or MPO in either males or females.(...
compute_metrics.m is used to compute evaluation metrics. Please change the output path in compute_metrics.m Enjoy! For methods written in MATLAB, please put them in the folder \methods. For example, for method "DEM", put the codes inside a folder called "DEM", and put the folder "DEM...
Exposure netting is a method of hedging currency risk by offsetting exposure in one currency with exposure in the same or another currency.
In contrast to the extensive studies on the lung, the absorption of metal in the gastrointestinal tract is less well understood. A summary diagram shows the contribution of all the absorption processes to the total body burden. Since the publication of the third edition, new information has ...