Next, clients will gradually confront the situations on their hierarchy, either in session or as homework. This is where the Exposure Tracking Log comes in. This tool allows clients to document their experience confronting their fears, and track progress over time. Clients will log the type of ...
As you go through the process, you’ll work with your therapist to build skills that help you resist compulsions and make steady progress over time. The hierarchy you create at the beginning of your journey helps you build a foundation of skill through easier exposures, helping you eventually...
A session was terminated when either 60 minutes had elapsed or when all steps of the hierarchy with the house spider had been completed, whatever occurred first. Participants being able to complete all exposure steps within the predetermined time were classified as completers. Non-completers ...
(5) Use of the Fitbit activity tracker to facilitate PA monitoring, feedback and goal-setting. Session content is as follows:Session 1- Psychoeducation & Setting PA Goals;Session 2- Rationale for Exposure/Fading Safety Behaviors & Developing Exposure Hierarchy;Sessions 3, 4, 5– Mindfulness, ...