Chapter 11: Major Minerals and Bone Health 82個詞語 To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 16-20 Review 23個詞語 English Vocab Unit 2 (part of speech) 6個詞語 Fair Trade 老師208個詞語 Scrabble 老師1,320個詞語 Zulu time 6個詞語 colors - ESL ...
1.explanation,account,description,interpretation,illustration,presentation,commentary,critique,exegesis,explication,elucidationHer speech was an exposition of her beliefs in freedom and justice. 2.exhibition,show,fair,display,demonstration,presentation,expo(informal)an art exposition ...
Synonyms for exposition in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for exposition. 35 synonyms for exposition: explanation, account, description, interpretation, illustration, presentation, commentary, critique, exegesis, explication... What are synonyms for expositio
or it may be employed sportively or out of aversion to dignity or formality of speech.The essential point is that it does not, like the words of ordinary language, originate in the desire to be understood.The slang word is not invented or used because it is in any respect better than ...
2.Thingscanbeexplainedbyillustration,classificationanddivision,comparisonandcontrast,ananalysisoftheircausesandeffects,ordefinition.illustration •Itistheuseofexampletoillustrateapoint.LanguageandCultureExample1--AChinesesaid,“Youhaveaverynicehome.”Thankyou--AnAmericanreplied,“___.”Example2--AnAmericansaid,...
The action of exposing something to something, such as skin to the sunlight. The action of putting something out to public view; for example in a display or show. The act of declaring or describing something through either speech or writing. (obsolete) The act of expulsion, or being ...
(authorship) The act or process of declaring or describing something through either speech or writing; the portions and aspects of a piece of writing that exist mainly to describe the setting, characters and other non-plot elements. This essay has too much exposition in it. My reviewer said ...
EXHIBITION, Scotch law. An action for compelling the production of writings. In Pennsylvania, a party possessing writings is compelled, to produce them on proper notice being given, in default of which judgment is rendered against him. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of ...
exposition动词是exposie.双语例句:1、His pictures were shown at the Paris Exposition of1878.他的画在1878年巴黎博览会上展览过。2、At the same time, in the teaching process is very obvious exposition.同时,它的弊端在教学过程中很明显的暴露出来。3、His speech was an exposition of the...
Week 11-12 Exposition 1 Task1 Everyday Writing EmilyDicksonI’mnobody,whoareyou?Areyounobodytoo?I’mNobody Thenthere’sapairofus.Don’ttell—they’dbanishus,youknow.Howdrearytobesomebody,Howpublic—likeafrog—TotellyournamethelivelongJune Toanadmiringbog.WhenDeathComes …Whenit’sover,Iwanttosay...