In this article we will start with a very basic example where we are going to expose a single port for the docker container then we are gonna add multiple ports to it. Later on, we are also gonna see how to useEXPOSE',--expose,-P,-pfor publishing and exposing the ports for docker ...
dockerfile开放多个端口dockerexpose多个端口 内容预知 1.Dokcer镜像的创建1.1 基于现有镜像创建 1.2 基于本地模板创建 1.3 基于Dockerfile 创建 联合文件系统(UnionFS ) 镜像加载原理 容器中操作系统容量小的原因Docker镜像结构的分层 Dockefile的引入 2.Docker ...
3.Dockerfile的EXPOSE和docker-compose的expose的区别 其实这俩个是一回事儿! 如果Dockerfile里面通过EXPOSE暴露了端口出来,那么在通过docker-compose创建的服务也会暴露这个端口出来。 如果Dockerfile里面没有暴露端口出来,可以在后面通过docker-compose的expose把服务的端口暴露出来。 4. ports 4.1 映射到端口 使用下面的...
In thedocker pscommand output, we can find the exposed ports in thePORTScolumn. Finally, let’s verify the communication between the containers: > docker exec -it bc044e180131 /bin/bash bash-5.1$ nc -vz myapp1 3000 myapp1 ( open bash-5.1$ nc -vz myapp1 8000 myapp1...
如果Dockerfile里面没有暴露端口出来,可以在后面通过docker-compose的expose把服务的端口暴露出来。 4. ports 4.1 映射到端口 使用下面的参数可以将服务的80端口映射宿主机的8080端口(也可以是其他端口)。 services: nginx: image: tflinux_nginx1.20 ports: ...
docker: Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: address already in use. I need to start second container on the same port. Is it possible. ...
I am adding below UDP ports in windows dockerfile, but unable to get the data which i suppose to get from these ports. Pleas could any one can help me like how i can expose the UDP ports in windows docker file. EXPOSE 21150:21150/udp EXPOSE 21151:21151/udp ### Using the below comm...
docker-compose中有两种方式可以暴露容器的端口:ports和expose。 1 ports ports暴露容器端口到主机的任意端口或指定端口,用法: ports: -"80:80"# 绑定容器的80端口到主机的80端口 -"9000:8080"# 绑定容器的8080端口到主机的9000端口 -"443"# 绑定容器的443端口到主机的任意端口,容器启动时随机分配绑定的主机端口...
所以,我的理解是expose主要是为了便于以后维护,告知容器在指定端口上能够提供服务。 参考