EndNote RefWorks Mendeley Zotero Sciwheel Reference Manager (later versions) ProCite (later versions) Spreadsheet software, including Microsoft Excel The maximum number of article citations that can be exported from a single search is 20,000. If your search has more results, limit your results by...
EndnoteInstallationWindowsClick on Releases for an installer of the latest version. Do heed the warnings - check that the install directory is exactly where you want it to be. That means clicking on "Browse" when it prompts you for the install directory and explicitly clicking on your target ...
EndNote RefWorks Mendeley Zotero Sciwheel Reference Manager (later versions) ProCite (later versions) Spreadsheet software, including Microsoft Excel The maximum number of article citations that can be exported from a single search is 20,000. If your search has more results, limit your results by...