沪江词库精选Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China是什么意思、英语单词推荐 中国输出入银行 设立于民国68年,为我国办理中长期输出融资,保证和输出保险的政府机构。 相似短语 Export Import Bank of the Republic of China中国输出入银行 设立于民国68年,为我国办理中长期输出融资,保证和输出保险的政府机构。
The Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China Act to support the government's economic and trade policies, including the provision of financing, guarantees and export credit insurance to local enterprises as well as financing to foreign enterprises. The bank plays an important policy role, ...
The Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China Entity featured on Fitch Ratings. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets.
The Export-Import Bank of China address:复兴门内大街30号, 西城区, CN-BJ, 100031, CN 中国进出口银行(LEI# 300300C1020211000045) is a legal entity registered with北京国家金融标准化研究院有限责任公司. Entity Overview Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)300300C1020211000045 ...
中国进出口银行业务范围投资对外贸易The Bank currently is rated by Moody's Investors Service and Standard Poor's. The ratings on the Bank are the same as those assigned to the People's Republic of China.无无VIPChina's Foreign Trade
export-Import-Bank Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 例子: The Export-Import Bank of China (state owned bank)— 中国进出口银行 也可见: export动— 出口动 · 导出动 ·
export import bank of the japan 【经】 日本输出入银行 Export Import Bank of the Republic of China 中国输出入银行设立于民国68年,为我国办理中长期输出融资,保证和输出保险的政府机构。 export import operation 进出口营业 export import financing 进出口资金融通 export import board 【经】 进出口管理...
The Export-Import Bank of China is a banking institution based in Beijing, China. Founded in 1994, the bank operates in three main segments including loan facilities, trade finance and financial markets. The mission of the bank is to facilitate the export and import of Chinese mechanical and ...
African Export-Import Bank Français Enter Go Previous Promoting Intra-African Trade Increasing cross-border trade in Africa and supporting the flow of goods and services between Africa and the Diaspora Read more Industrialization And Export Development ...
The Bank, headquartered in Cairo, the capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt, commenced operations on 30 September, 1994, following the signature of a Headquarters Agreement with the host Government in August, 1994. It has branch offices in Harare, Abuja and Abidjan and will open an East Afric...