exportTERM=xterm-256color exportEDITOR=vim # Don't add duplicate lines or lines beginning with a space to the history HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # Set history format to include timestamps HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %T " # Correct simple errors while using cd ...
// linux terminals support xterm socket.send('export LANG=C.UTF-8\n'); socket.send('export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8\n'); socket.send('export TERM="xterm-256color"\n'); socket.send('alias ls="ls --color=auto"\n'); socket.send('echo -e "\\033[2J\\033[H"\n'); }...
xterm(1) xtotroff(1) Xvfb(1) xvidtune(1) xvinfo(1) Xvnc(1) xwd(1) xwininfo(1) xwud(1) xxd(1) xz(1) xzdec(1) xzdiff(1) xzgrep(1) xzless(1) xzmore(1) yacc(1) yes(1) yes(1g) ypcat(1) ypmatch(1) yppasswd(1) ypwhich(1) zcat(1) zenmap(1) zip(1) zipcloak(1)...
set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we “want” color) case “$TERM” in xterm-color|*-256color) color_prompt=yes;; esac uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window shou...
On my Fedora this terminal doesn't correctly display true color themes. The basic problem is in defaultTERMsetting, that isxterm-256color. Unfortunately, thekonsoleterminal is not fully compatible withxterm, and doesn't allow color changing. You can force direct colors by using the option--dire...
declare-x TERM="xterm-256color" declare-x USER="root" declare-x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/0" declare-x XDG_SESSION_ID="168658" 2)查看所有export变量 $export-p declare -x CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_131/lib" declare-x FASTDFS_BASE_PATH="/var/fdfs" ...
PATH 变量可以使用多个 word 参数,各参数以冒号分隔(请参见“示例”部分)。最常用的环境变量 USER、 TERM 和 PATH 会自动从 csh 变量user、term 和path 中导出和导入。如需更改这些变量,请使用 setenv。此外,每当 csh 变量cwd 改变时,shell 都会根据它设置 PWD 环境变量。
xterm(1) xtotroff(1) Xvfb(1) xvidtune(1) xvinfo(1) Xvnc(1) xwd(1) xwininfo(1) xwud(1) xxd(1) xz(1) xzdec(1) xzdiff(1) xzgrep(1) xzless(1) xzmore(1) yacc(1) yes(1) yes(1g) ypcat(1) ypmatch(1) yppasswd(1) ypwhich(1) zcat(1) zenmap(1) zip(1) zipcloak(1)...
multixterm(1) mutt(1) muttbug(1) mv(1) mv(1g) my_print_defaults(1) myisam_ftdump(1) myisamchk(1) myisamlog(1) myisampack(1) mysql-stress-test.pl(1) mysql-test-run.pl(1) mysql(1) mysql.server(1) mysql_51(1) mysql_client_test(1) mysql_client_test_embedded(1) mysql_con...
xterm(1) xtotroff(1) Xvfb(1) xvidtune(1) xvinfo(1) Xvnc(1) xwd(1) xwininfo(1) xwud(1) xxd(1) xz(1) xzdec(1) xzdiff(1) xzgrep(1) xzless(1) xzmore(1) yacc(1) yes(1) yes(1g) ypcat(1) ypmatch(1) yppasswd(1) ypwhich(1) zcat(1) zenmap(1) zip(1) zipcloak(1)...