There are shortcut functions if just want dont want to create aKaleido().,path="./",n=4) ) PageGenerators Thepageargument takes akaleido.PageGenerator()to customize versions. Normally, kaleido looks for an installed plotly as uses tha...
bar(data_canada, x='year', y='pop') output_html_path=r"/path/to/output.html" input_template_path = r"/path/to/template.html" plotly_jinja_data = {"fig":fig.to_html(full_html=False)} #consider also defining the include_plotlyjs parameter to point to an external Plotly.js as ...
Inspired by:REMNAN,verbatim: Get the text of a block comment.,export_fig,Create 3D-interactive HTML File from MATLAB surface,Matlab 3D figure to 3D (X)HTML,arclength Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you!
importplotly.graph_objectsasgo# or as pxfig=go.Figure()# or any Plotly Express function e.g. fig.add_trace( ... )# fig.update_layout( ... )fromdashimportDash,dcc,htmlapp=Dash()app.layout=html.Div([dcc.Graph(figure=fig)])app.run_server(debug=True,...
write_fig( fig, path="./", n=4 ) ) PageGenerators The page argument takes a kaleido.PageGenerator() to customize versions. Normally, kaleido looks for an installed plotly as uses that version. You can pass kaleido.PageGenerator(force_cdn=True) to force use of a CDN version of plotly ...