Mate's Receipt: Mate's receipt is a receipt issued by the Commanding Officer of the ship when the cargo is loaded on the ship. It is a prima facie evidence that goods are loaded in the vessel. Mate's receipt is first handed over to the Port Trust Authorities. After making payment of...
Risk transfers to buyer when the goods have been loaded on board the vessel in the country of Export. CIF: Cost, Insurance, and Freight. This refers to an Incoterm meaning the buyer assumes all risk once the goods are onboard the vessel for the main carriage but does not assume costs ...
Wine and wine products packaged/bottled or loaded into bulk tanks/vessels in preparation for export after 1 January 2022 will be required to bear the registration number issued by GACC. Bottled/packaged product will be required to include the registration number on both the individual bottles and ...
FOB means Free on Board, and it is one of the 11 Incoterms used for the regulation of international trade. On its most basic meaning, the Incoterm FOB determines that theseller is responsible for the cargo until it has been loaded into the vessel at the port of origin. The seller is ...
vessel is always at the disposal of charterers, the delay to load cargo is a direct and inevitable result of complying with charterers' orders and, therefore, the vessel should remain on-hire. The position might be slightly different if the vessel has loaded cargo and is prevented from ...
Receipt of shipment advice: Once the goods are loaded on the ship, the exporter sends the shipment advice that contains the detailed information about the shipment of goods, such as invoice number, vessel name, bill of lading number, port of export, description of the goods despatched. ...
Free alongside Ship (FAS):Under FAS, the seller quotes the price covering all his charges until such time as goods are loaded on train at the specified railway station. The buyer is responsible for all charges from the time he takes delivery of all goods from the exporter’s yard. ...