ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that exports the configuration keywords, parameters, and values from the specified enterprise geodatabase to an editable file.
Catalog pane—Right-click a dataset or geodatabase and choose Export. Contents pane—Right-click a layer, and under Data, choose Export Features or Export table. Use geoprocessing tools. Note: Exporting data using the context menu or geoprocessing options uses tools in the Conversion toolbox to...
Export FileGDB (Esri File Geodatabase) Esri FileGDB is a file-based database with support for many GIS data types such as points, lines, polygons, 3d geometry (multipatch), raster and more. It is the recommended way to exchange GIS data between Esri appl
Has anyone else noticed issues exporting data from a file geodatabase to a shapefile in a different coordinate system in ArcGIS Pro 3.3? In our case the data was originally a CAD file converted to a feature class in State Plane, and we needed to export it to a ...
In ArcGIS Pro, attempts to export datasets using the Export XML Workspace Document tool fail, and return the error shown below. Error: ERROR 160666: No datasets found to export. This article provides two workarounds. Cause The tool is running on an empty file geodatabase. The Export XML...
Procedure Warning: This workaround does not preserve existing relationship classes in the output feature class containing the reordered fields. Esri recommends copying the dataset to a new geodatabase and using the new geodatabase before reordering fields to ensure changes made are not applied to th...
当前没有发布 ArcGIS Desktop 未来版本的计划,建议您迁移到 ArcGIS Pro。 有关详细信息,请参阅从ArcMap 迁移至 ArcGIS Pro。在Standard 或 Advanced 许可等级下可用。 描述 使用方法 语法 代码示例 环境 许可信息 描述 Exports changes in a check-out replica geodatabase to a delta file. A delta file ...
An alternate solution proposed by ESRI was to export the hosted feature layers to a local geodatabase first and then alter the field map. I raised the duplicate field map inputs from the original topic with ESRI and was told the behaviour was expected, I did not..., output_replica_schema_file, in_replica) パラメーター説明データ タイプ in_geodatabase レプリカ スキーマのエクスポート元となるレプリカ ジオデータベースを指定します。ジオデータベースは、ローカルでもリモートでも構いません。
为了清晰起见和便于阅读,已格式化本主题中 JSON 示例。但是,实际上,应通过打印服务传递未格式化的 JSON。在 10.6 及更高版本中,默认打印服务、所有基于 ArcPy 的打印服务以及从ArcGIS Pro发布的任何打印服务仅接受未格式化的 JSON。 Web 地图由五个顶层对象构成: ...