To export a Docker image, you can use thedocker savecommand, followed by the image name and the desired output file name. Here’s an example: dockersave my-docker-image>my-docker-image.tar 1. This command will save the Docker imagemy-docker-imageinto a file namedmy-docker-image.tar. T...
This issue is more comprehensively described in the below linked issue, but since it appears to be an issue in buildx itself, I've opened an issue here to track. Hope that's ok! Original ref: docker/build-push-action#321 The gist of it i...
使用docker export命令导出容器的文件系统: dockerexportmycontainer>mycontainer.tar 1. 使用docker import命令将.tar文件导入为一个新的镜像: dockerimportmycontainer.tar myimage:latest 1. 查看新创建的镜像: dockerimages 1. 示例类图 DockerExport- containerId+exportContainer()+importContainer() 在上面的示例中...
Did you know that you can use Docker to build your application to standalone binaries? Sometimes, you don’t want to package and distribute your application as a Docker image. Use Docker to build your application, and use exporters to save the output to disk. ...
1. Run the followingdockercommand toimporta container (arithmetic.tar) and convert it to an image. When importing, you must attach a tag (latest) and name the image (put_any_name_here), as shown below. docker import arithmetic.tar put_any_name_here:latest ...
docker image export or import docker save <image-name> docker load < <bak>.tar
Usage: "override annotation", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "manifest", Usage: "digest of manifest", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "skip-manifest-json", Usage: "do not add Docker compatible manifest.json to archive", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "manifest-type", Usage...
1.docker save 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker save-hUsage:docker save[OPTIONS]IMAGE[IMAGE...]Save one or more images to a tararchive(streamed toSTDOUTbydefault)--help Print usage-o,--output Write to a file,insteadofSTDOUT 从接的参数就可以猜到,直接接image,不太可能导出单纯的文件系统(因为镜...
(index + 1, 2).Value = getorders[index - 1].FirstName; worksheet.Cell(index + 1, 3).Value = getorders[index - 1].LastName; } using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { workbook.SaveAs(stream); var content = stream.ToArray(); return File(content, contentType, fileName); } ...
Deploy the Web API to Azure as a Docker Image, then run the image both locally and in an Azure container. The first four of these steps are what I follow each time I create a Web APIs, so I thought it'd be good to just document them, as quickly and painlessly as possible, so ...