You can use the MongoDB Database Tools to migrate from a self-hosted deployment toMongoDB Atlas. MongoDB Atlas is the fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud. To learn more, seeSeed with mongorestore. To learn all the ways you can migrate to MongoDB Atlas, seeMigrate ...
I don’t have the error message from mongoexport but I can potentially rewrite my code to expose that. I am using MongoDB Atlas M40. There is a primary node and two slave nodes. I assume that all have the same capacity. Monitoring shows that really only the...
MongoDbAtlasLinkedService MongoDbAtlasSource MongoDbAuthenticationType MongoDbCollectionDataset MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties MongoDbLinkedService MongoDbSource MongoDbV2CollectionDataset MongoDbV2LinkedService MongoDbV2Source MultiplePipelineTrigger MultiplePipelineTriggerUnion MySqlLinkedService MySqlSource MySqlTableDa...
Atlas charges $.125 per GB of data exported to the AWS S3 bucket, in addition to the data transfer cost incurred from AWS itself. Atlas compresses the data before exporting. To estimate the amount of data being exported, add up the dataSize of each database in your cluster. This total...
CommonDataServiceForAppsSource ComponentSetup CompressionReadSettings ConcurLinkedService ConcurObjectDataset ConcurSource ConnectionStateProperties ControlActivity CopyActivity CopyActivityLogSettings CopySink CopySource CopyTranslator CosmosDbConnectionMode CosmosDbLinkedService CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollectionDataset CosmosDbM...
CommonDataServiceForAppsSource ComponentSetup CompressionReadSettings ConcurLinkedService ConcurObjectDataset ConcurSource ConnectionStateProperties ControlActivity CopyActivity CopyActivityLogSettings CopySink CopySource CopyTranslator CosmosDbConnectionMode CosmosDbLinkedService CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollection...
MariaDBTableDataset MarketoLinkedService MarketoObjectDataset MarketoSource MetastoreRegisterObject MetastoreRegistrationResponse MetastoreRequestSuccessResponse MetastoreUpdateObject MetastoreUpdationResponse MicrosoftAccessLinkedService MicrosoftAccessSink MicrosoftAccessSource MicrosoftAccessTableDataset MongoDbAtlasCollectionDa...
9) To see MongoDB data, install Robo3T GUI Wekan Snap: Connect it to address localhost:27019 Wekan Docker: If you have MongoDB exposed to outside Docker, Connect with Robo3T to address localhost:27017. Otherwise you first need to copy files from wekan-db Docker ...
Create a account on MongoDB Atlas. Under "Collections", create a new database (e.g. namedinventor2revit) with a collection (e.g. namedusers). Under "Command Line Tools", whitelist the IP address to access the database,see this tutorial. If the sample is running on Heroku, you'll ne...
You can use the MongoDB Database Tools to migrate from a self-hosted deployment toMongoDB Atlas. MongoDB Atlas is the fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud. To learn more, seeSeed with mongorestore. To learn all the ways you can migrate to MongoDB Atlas, seeMigrate ...