-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 141788184 Nov 7 21:58 /usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64/libnvinfer.so.5.1.5* so i don’t know how libnvinder.so* and libnvinfer_plugin.so* its availble at location…waiting for your reply…Thanks, DeepMorganh 2019 年11 月 8 日 09:22 52 By default,...
Release branch specific changes (e.g. blocking ci fixes, change version identifiers) Building a release schedule / cherry picking Main POC: Patch Release Managers After regressions / fixes have been triaged Patch Release Managers will work together and build /announce a schedule for the patch rel...
Release branch specific changes (e.g. blocking ci fixes, change version identifiers) Building a release schedule / cherry picking Main POC: Patch Release Managers After regressions / fixes have been triaged Patch Release Managers will work together and build /announce a schedule for the patch rel...