Sub Save_Chart_As_Image() Dim my_Chrt As ChartObject Dim f_Path As String ' Setting the file location to save the chart as image f_Path = "E:\Exceldemy\chart.png" ' Picking up chart from the Export worksheet Set my_Chrt = Worksheets("Export").ChartObjects("Chart 1") ' Save the...
With .Chart '图表对象中的图表 .Paste '粘贴之前复制的图形至图表 .Parent.Width = S.Width * 20 '图片无损缩放至原始大小的20倍宽 .Parent.Height = S.Height * 20 '图片无损缩放至原始大小的20倍高 .Export pa & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhmmss") & ".jpg" '利用图表的export方法导图至此路径 End Wi...
expression:一个表示 Chart 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 FileName 必需 String 被导出的文件的名称。 FilterName 可选 Variant 图形过滤器出现在注册表中时独立于语言的名称。 Interactive 可选 Variant True 显示包含筛选特定选项的对话框。 如果为 False,则 Microsoft Excel 使用筛选器的...
If you have Excel 2000 or 2002 (XP), your results will depend on flow chart symbol formatting. If you use small fonts or gradient fills for the flow chart symbols, then the image created with this method may look pretty bad. There are 2 important things to do when using this method ...
Export your Excel charts in any common image file extension. Any table or chart generated in Microsoft Excel either by XLSTAT or the user can be easily exported to a GIF, JPG, PGN or TIFF file. View all tutorials analyze your data with xlstat ...
Activate ActiveChart.Paste .Chart.Export xStrPath & xStrImgName & ".png" .Delete End With End If End If Next End Sub CopyNotes: 1) The number 2 in the line “If xImg.TopLeftCell.Column = 2 Then” represents the column number from which you want to export the pictures; 2) The ...
Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Exports the chart in a graphic format. C# 複製 public bool Export (string Filename, object FilterName, object Interactive); Parameters Filename String Required String. The name of the exported file. FilterName Object Optional Object. The ...
Excel VBA Chart.Export REF:
下面的代码示例创建一个Chart,然后使用 Export 方法将图表导出为 C:\ 根目录下名为 Chart1.gif 的图形文件。 C# privatevoidSaveChartAsGIF(){this.Range["A1","A5"].Value2 =22;this.Range["B1","B5"].Value2 =55; Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart chart1 =this.Controls.AddChart(this.Range["...
Excel VBA Chart.Export ? REF: