BitLocker key used to encrypt the data for each drive Ship Use a supported carrier like DHL or FedEx to ship the drives to the Azure datacenter. The carrier provides a tracking number. You add this tracking number to the import job. Check job status Receive disks: The disks are r...
az import-export bit-locker-key 导入-导出 bit-locker-key。 分机 实验 az import-export bit-locker-key list 返回指定作业中所有驱动器的 BitLocker 密钥。 分机 实验 az import-export create 创建新作业或更新指定订阅中的现有作业。 分机 实验 az import-export delete 删除现有的作业。 只能删除“创...
For export jobs, the Import/Export Service uses BitLocker to encrypt the drive before it's shipped back to you. Microsoft provides you with the encryption key. You then use the encryption key to access the data and transfer it to your on-premises location....
Get-AzImportExportBitLockerKey -JobName <String> -ResourceGroupName <String> [-SubscriptionId <String[]>] [-AcceptLanguage <String>] [-DefaultProfile <PSObject>] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 返回指定作业中所有驱动器的 BitLocker 密钥。 示例 示例1:列出指定 ImportExport 作业中的所有 BitLocker 密钥 Pow...
For a disk that isn't encrypted: Specify Encrypt to enable BitLocker encryption on the disk. Sao chép DriveLetter,FormatOption,SilentOrPromptOnFormat,Encryption,ExistingBitLockerKey H,Format,SilentMode,Encrypt, For a disk that is already encrypted: Specify AlreadyEncrypted and supply the BitLocker...
For export jobs, after your data is copied to the drives, the service encrypts the drive using BitLocker before shipping it back to you. The encryption key is provided to you via the Azure portal. The drive needs to be unlocked using the WAImportExport tool using the key. ...
Az Module - Retrieve credential user name and password (Azure Automation) Backup Active Directory ACL to restore later backup and restore a specific registry key in powershell Backup Bitlocker recovery key in AD on existing bitlocker domain computer Bat file to be ran as admin in powershell Batch...
Gets The subscription ID for the Azure user. Method Details getApiVersion public abstract String getApiVersion() Gets Api Version. Returns: the apiVersion value. getBitLockerKeys public abstract BitLockerKeysClient getBitLockerKeys() Gets the BitLockerKeysClient object to access its operations. ...
Azure Import/Export では暗号化キーを使用して、ドライブのロックに使用される BitLocker キーが保護されます。 既定では、BitLocker キーは Microsoft マネージド キーで暗号化されます。 暗号化キーをさらに制御するために、カスタマー マネージド キーを提供することもできます。
Remove-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker Remove-CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent Remove-CMTSStepEnableBitLocker Remove-CMTSStepInstallApplication Remove-CMTSStepInstallSoftware Remove-CMTSStepInstallUpdate Remove-CMTSStepJoinDomainWorkgroup Remove-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker Remove-CMTSStepPartitionDisk Remove-CMTSStepPrepareConfi...