, but when I use android studio it is impossible to create the folder he asks in the step, folder assets, he says that SDKmind needs to be > than 16 and do not know what it means, someone can help me with a solution or teach me some simpler way to export the game to APK???
AS导入项目报错:Plugin with id 'com.android.application' not found. 解决方法; 1、找一个可以正常编译的项目或新建一个项目,把Project中的build.gradle中的代码复制一下,如下图; 2、粘贴到这个报错项目的build.gradle中,放在最下面即可,下面...从github或第三方Demo中获取的项目导入到AndroidStudio中报错Plugin...
The Target SDK being hire means that it also supports newer devices, but you don't need to build a specific APK for each Android version. Have you tried deploying a project with the default Min SDK 24 and Target SDK 33 on an older phone? If it doesn't work, what's the error?
有时候,我们需要用Unity导出Android Studio工程,然后进行定制化,比如添加一些插件的调用代码,最后再导出Apk。 但是,如果多次导出时,会发现,Unity把修改过的工程给覆盖了! 这可怎么办? 解决方法 首先 Unity不会删除我们自己添加的文件。 其次 Unity只会覆盖自动生成的代码和资源文件,包含Gradle。
@PoqXert I'm unable to reproduce the issue you described. I've used a copy of the Godot 3.2.4.rc1 build on a Windows 10 with a brand new Android project, and I was able to export the apk successfully in each attempts. Can you provide additional information about your machine setup. ...
70 - 创建StaspApp间质广告并导出APK文件(70 - Create Startapp Interstitials Ads and Export the Apk File) - 大小:44m 目录:10 - 使用StavaP货币化游戏 资源数量:73,Unity3D_Unity 2D,团结3D专业2游戏从A到Z的发展/10 - 使用StavaP货币化游戏/66 - 使用StavaP最大化你
I am using MAC visual studio for xamarin forms app development. I am trying to take a back up for my android keystore files.I found the keystore files at /Users/[username]/Library/Developer/Xamarin/Keystore/ in my MAC using keystore explorer. How can I export or save the keystore ...
80 - 出口并测试生产游戏(80 - Export and Test The Game For Production) - 大小:31m 目录:13 - 使用GIFTIZ SDK获得数以千计的免费应用程序安装到游戏中 资源数量:73,Unity3D_Unity 2D,团结3D专业2游戏从A到Z的发展/13 - 使用GIFTIZ SDK获得数以千计的免费应用程序安装到
1) If your game information changes, you should redeploy MSDK according to Step 2. 2) Before the deployment of MSDK, if there are two files (namely "AndroidManifest.xml", "project.properties") in the "Assets/Plugin/Android" directory, the two files will not be replaced at the time of ...
Hi guys, I hope you are well. I need help to export my game to an apk file, I've seen many tutorials and tried to use Android Studio and Apk Builder but I...