Here, mn is read as, 'm raised to the power of n', and in this case, 'm' is the base while 'n' is the exponent. What are the Properties of Exponents? The properties of exponents are some rules that we use while solving expressions that involve exponents. These rules help us to ...
Exponent Rules WorksheetExponent Rules Examples Example 1: Simplify the expression by using the laws of exponents: 10-3× 104 Solution: According to the exponent rules, to multiply two expressions with the same base, we add the exponents while the base remains the same. This means, 10-3× ...
Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. Consider the following power of a fraction. How many times do we need to multiply 2/5 by itself to simplify it? 11 2 5 None of these are correct. 2. Simplify the following power of a fraction. 4/169 ...
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zero is undefined, and cannot be calculated. Be careful not to the rules for zero exponents! Zero to any positive power is always zero, because no matter how many times you multiply the 1 by zero the answer will always be zero. But 00is undefined. ...
Both the problem above and below this have a negative sign inside a set of parentheses which is raised to some power. If you did a lot of these you’d notice that when the parentheses are raised to an odd power such as 3, the answer will be negative. If ...
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