Critical observation on the exponential growth of nature-inspired computationdoi:10.1109/icacci.2017.8126041Shailendra Singh YadavBhupendra VermaPrasanta K. JanaIEEEAdvances in Computing and Communications
Similarly, daily deals sites that are social in nature have seen exponential growth. 同样地,每日交易网站本质上也是社交的,也看到了几何级数的增长。 Try as he might, he was unable to find a general solution without using exponential resources. 尽管他很努力,但他没能找到不使用指数资源的一般性解...
they are the natural choice of a mathematical model for a kind of growth which depends on how much "stuff" is already present. To see this, we will first take a step back and consider the nature of growing things in general.
involved in military action in those areas, show an exponential increase in cases of cancer and other associated diseases, [...] 对受影响人口和参与这些地区 的军事行动的部队进行的独立调查研究表明,癌症和其他相关病例急 剧 增 加 ,婴 儿 先天缺陷和其他健康问题也不断出现。
With the in-depth fusion of art and technology, human’s capabilities to depict nature through artificial means has greatly advanced. Exponential Growth is created with five core layers generated from four stylistically different original videos. By programming, the artist arbitrarily blends the five ...
3.1.2 Exponential growth (unlimited population growth) Another simple model describes exponential growth, in which population grows at a constant proportional rate over time. The relation may be expressed in either of two forms, depending on whether reproduction is assumed to be continuous or periodic...
The effect increases with the exponent of the stimulus series, and with addition of a constant to the stimulus series. Neither special instructions about the nature of exponential growth nor daily experience with growth processes enhanced the extrapolations....
7.Population growth wasexponentialbut how much food we grow was not. 人口增长呈指数增长,但我们种植的食物数量却不是。 「PBS趣味科普」评价该例句:好评差评指正 TED演讲(音 版) 2014 4月合集 8.And you can see here that there's anexponentialGreat Divergence. ...
In general, we find that North America exhibits more rapid, exponential growth in the frequency of extreme temperature events with increasing temperature-rise projections (i.e., for high-end RCP 8.5 projections compared to low-end projections)....
Theexponentialgrowth in the volume of information and its changing nature question the very notions of the authority of [...] 信息数量的指数式增长和不断改变的性质,向正当教育机构和专家精英控制 的传统知识体系权威的核心观念提出了质疑。