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In this work we re-examine two common modulus attacks on RSA. First, we show that Guo's continued fraction attack works much better in practice than previously expected. Given three instances of RSA with a commonmodulus N and private exponents each small
Exponent determination in a poorly gauged basin system in Nigeria based on flow characteristics investigation and regionalization methodGISRSExponent “n” SHPUngauged basinGauge basinDischargeNRCS-CN modelIn this study, a method for estimating the exponent " n " values of the catchment-area equations...
K. BalasubramanianD. S. SarmaScripta MaterialiaNagarjuna, S.; Srinivas, M.; Balasubramanian, K.; Sarma, D.S. Effect of modulations on yield stress and strain hardening exponent of solution treated Cu-Ti alloys. Scr. Mater. 1998, 38, 1469-1474....