Regular SDK releases. Apple silicon builders for iOS. Automatic version incrementing in CI. GitHub Actions-ready. Shareable Snack playgrounds. VS Code extension. Get Started Try it for yourself Fast animations. Genuine native components. Edit in your browser and preview on your device in seconds....
Please update to the latest version of the Expo SDK 51 / react-native-reanimated / react-navigation. You will also need to update your Expo Go (either from the App store or having the CLI update your simulator) or rebuild or development client. Caution If you are still having issues ...
yarn add expo-server-sdk import{Expo}from'expo-server-sdk';// Create a new Expo SDK client// optionally providing an access token if you have enabled push securityletexpo=newExpo({accessToken:process.env.EXPO_ACCESS_TOKEN,/** @deprecated* The optional useFcmV1 parameter defaults to true, ...
For example, during my SDK 33 upgrade, I encountered several new issues. To address these, I had to update the NPM version to the latest one that supports SDK 33 for the relevant packages. By doing this for a couple of packages, I was able to resolve all the issues related to SDK 33...
"sdkVersion": "21.0.0", "privacy": "public" } } App.json文件过去是exp.json,但是为了与Create React Native App保持一致它被合并为一个文件。如果您需要将您的exp.json转为app.json,仅需要在app.json文件中增加一个“expo”键值,作为所有其他所有键值的父级。
npm i expo-location Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 174,596 Version 18.0.2 License MIT Unpacked Size 413 kB Total Files 96 Issues 449 Pull Requests 242 Last publish 7 days ago Collaborators Try on RunKit Report malware ...
在进入该APP时,给用户做出“不支持运行”的提示 用户确认提示后,直接退出该APP 关键点是 targetSdkVersion...} }) .create() .show(); } } 2、在AndroidManifest.xml...我们注意到程序中使用的是 getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion,说明这个变量是 的成员变量,这个值是在安装APK的...
Expo Expo 是基于 React Native 并整合大量常用的 native module(Expo SDK),像原生的功能如相册,相机,蓝牙等功能,在 expo 都是直接集成的,相当于封装原生的...本地配置好应用所需的环境,就直接直接运行 RN 项目,开发十分方便。此外 Expo 还提供了 Expo Go App,只需要在你的移动端设备中安装它,启动开发...
Version 2.0 This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. *** Best experienced with iPhone 6 and later devices *** - The entire project was migrated to the latest Google Cardboard® SDK - New and enhanced UI (yes, everybody loves a little eye-candy) - ...
有一个 expo 插件可以管理你的 gradle 属性。 它被称为expo-build-properties. 安装后,您将能够向您的 expo 应用程序配置添加 minSdkVersion,如下所示: {// ...plugins: [ ["expo-build-properties", { android: { minSdkVersion: 23 } }], ] }...