Roses and pink umbrellas are seen during the 50th ExpoRose in Grasse, southern France, on May 13, 2022. The city center of Grasse was turned into rose gardens during the three-day ExpoRose festival which kicked off here on Friday. (Photo by Serge Haouzi/Xinhua) A street is decorated with...
网络格拉斯玫瑰节;格拉斯玫瑰博览会 网络释义
【格拉斯玫瑰节(Grasse Expo-Rose)】深藏在南法锦绣山水之中的格拉斯小镇,堪称世界 “香水之都”。《香水》的电影部分正是取材并拍摄于格拉斯。每年五月,是这个小镇最为美丽的时刻,一年一度的玫瑰节在此举行。无数知名的调香师都会从各地蜂拥而至,参加这一举世闻名的盛会#希予闻香# #香水# ...
网络格拉斯玫瑰节;格拉斯玫瑰博览会 网络释义