展会时间:2024年9月19-21日 展会地址:孟加拉达卡会展中心 组展单位:聚展网 孟加拉亚洲涂料展览会(Expo Paint & Coatings)是中亚、南亚地区最大的涂料和涂料应用展览会之一。每年在中亚及南亚国家巡回展览。该展览会涵盖了涂料、涂料应用、涂料原材料、涂料生产设备、涂装技术和服务、涂装过程控制、涂装质量检测等领域。
TradeshowIndustrial Engineering Follow10.2k4.4 Thu, 27 - Sat, 29 Jun 2024 Expo Paint and Coatings 5th edition Pragati Maidan, New Delhi 77.5 Miles from Beswan Expo Paint & Coatings - 2024 is a comprehensive Paint & Coatings Exhibition providing platform to the needs of every facade of the co...
The exhibition includes many activities such as B2B Trade Connection, Symposium, VIP Buyers, Field Tour to factories…, attracting customers to visit specialized industries to learn about products and find new partners work.
Japan's Largest* Show for Paint & Coatings! The show gathers the latest paint & coating technologies for automobile, electronics, building fields, etc. It is held twice a year in Osaka and Tokyo. (*“Largest” in reference to the exhibitor number of trade shows with the same concept.) ...
091 Paint Show Organizers 德国纽伦堡国际博览集团与涂料行业媒体Vincentz Exhibitors Profile Coatings and their various raw materials, resins, solvents, pigments, fillers, additives, inks, adhesives, construction chemicals, laboratory and production equipment, testing and measuring instruments, coating equipment...
ExpoCoating Moscow: the trade show ExpoCoating is the international exhibition of technologies, equipment and materials for surface treatment and coatings application held in Moscow and celebrated alongside with other five cohesive exhibitions: International Exhibition of Testing and Measuring Equipment Inter...
Protective anticorrosion coatings Industrial paint- and lacquer coatings Paints and coatings with special properties Equipment and systems for coatings application Design of paint- and lacquer plants Protective coatings Abrasion resistant coatings Anti-static coatings ...
越南涂料及化工展览会Coatings Expo Vietnam是越南规模较大的涂料及化工行业展览会之一,旨在提供一个平台,促进全球各地的涂料和化工的制造商、供应商、行业专业人士和相关机构之间的交流和合作。该展览会通常每年举办一次,地点在越南胡志明市。展会以 “健康生活,色彩缤纷“ 为主题,旨在推广环保可持续发展的新型涂料、油...
38 people interested. Check out who is attending ✭ exhibiting ✭ speaking ✭ schedule & agenda ✭ reviews ✭ timing ✭ entry ticket fees. 2025 edition of Asia Pacific International Industrial Coatings, Powder Coatings and Coatings Exhibition
Carolina Color Corporation Meoxal® Taklamakan Gold - Like the Colorplay of a Sand DesertMerck KGaA Reactint® ColorantsMilliken Chemical Paint additives & crosslinkersPerstorp Holding ABVenues PTAK Warsaw Expo Al. Katowicka 62,'05-830 Nadarzyn, Polska, Warsaw Poland Tel: +48-518-739 124 ...