Downloading the Expo Go app等下载安装完。 刷新即可 安卓expo扫码报错。 There was an error fetching the Expo development certificate, falling back to cached certificate 用eas credentials创建/下载个android keystore后修复。 上一步修复后,打开报错。继续不影响app使用。apk打开闪退可能根这个有关。 node_modu... expo publish 1. 手机下载expo go app,登录账号,也可以看到这样项目,还可以预览这个项目 yarn global add eas-cli 1. eas-v 1. eas whoami 1. expo build:android 1. 在线编译apk,进入编译队列 平台编译队列状态 我的app...
Download and install the Expo Go app from the store (or install the apk of your Expo SDK app based) Open Expo Go (or your custom apk) and wait 5-10 seconds It will crash Reopen it It will work normally Uninstall it and reinstall it to reproduce the problem againSeems...
当我在 Android 上的 Expo Go 中调用 (await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync()).data 时,一切正常,包括推送通知。但是,构建版本的 apk 只抛出一个异常: {"code": "ERR_UNEXPECTED"} 当我尝试获取推送令牌时: (await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync()).data 不知道如何调试和修复它:( 附注...
Additionally, you can build your app by only writing JS code through Expo Go or by writing both JS code and Native Code through the Development Build. Furthermore, you can run and build your app (or APK) or any web demo projects (snacks) on a real device, simulators, or emulato...
Expo Go,安卓端apk,好用的react native Run your project with Expo Go,Expo 包含一组工具、库和服务,可以让你用 JavaScrip... 上传者:weixin_39033300时间:2023-11-14 最新版本 react native 的必要的安卓调试工具
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[xdl] Support Expo Go name in shellapp template (#3125)📦 Packages updated@expo/config-plugins@1.0.17 @expo/config@3.3.26 @expo/dev-server@0.1.52 @expo/dev-tools@0.13.78 @expo/electron-adapter@0.0.43 expo-cli@4.1.2 expo-optimize@0.1.74 @expo/metro-config@0.1.52 @expo/next-adapter...
If you are amongst those who have come across the buzz of React Native and are having ...
[xdl] Support Expo Go name in shellapp template (#3125)📦 Packages updated@expo/config-plugins@1.0.17 @expo/config@3.3.26 @expo/dev-server@0.1.52 @expo/dev-tools@0.13.78 @expo/electron-adapter@0.0.43 expo-cli@4.1.2 expo-optimize@0.1.74 @expo/metro-config@0.1.52 @expo/next-adapter...