I uninstalled the Expo Go app from my Android emulator. Then started adb logcat and then tried to launch my Expo app on the Android emulator. Then I tried manually launching the Expo Go app on the Android emulator to try and trigger more crashes. Hopefully this helps. logcat.log ...
Issue Triage Expo Go app keeps crashing in Android emulator API 35 before development app even starts (iOS and Android API 34 work fine) #20669 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs needs-repro needs-info issue-accepted question feature-request third-party react-native-core commen...
进行测试 https://expo.dev/client 安装android环境 安装Android Studio与配置android模拟器 如果出现模拟器启动失败,请参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42848328/android-emulator-not-working-on-mac 安装ios环境 本人使用的mac os版本为12.6.3,找到对应的xcode版本进行安装:https://developer.apple.com/down...
Refactored inline Android emulator checks to use enhanced checking in EmulatorUtilities.isRunningOnEmulator(). (#16177) by @kbrandwijk, @keith-kurak) 13.2.3 — 2022-07-25 🐛 Bug fixes Deprecated the unreliable source-login-scripts.sh and sourcing the Node.js binary path from .xcode.env an...
Android模拟器上的世博会无法运行,出现问题 、、、 我想在Android模拟器上运行react原生应用程序。当我运行expo start时,Metro Builder在chrome (http://localhost:19002/)上打开,然后我单击Run on Android device/emulator应用程序安装在模拟器上,但世博会应用程序收到此错误: ? 我想这是给港口用的。如何解决 浏览...
由于Q的原因,google play不能用,expo的android客户端下载不了。所以一直手动寻找最后找到后,发现版本又不对,于是走了很多弯路。 结果最后发现,有更简单的办法,现记录如下: 电脑装上expo 手机打开开发者模式,使用USB连上电脑 命令行执行 expo client:install:android...
[expo-cli] Add shift+a hotkey in interactive prompt to select Android device/emulator to open (#2550 by @EvanBacon) [expo-cli] Improve edge case handling when upgrading Expo client in iOS simulator (#2541 by @EvanBacon) [expo-cli] expo eas:build - Add --skip-credentials-check option...
我有一个关于expo的问题,他不在我的ios模拟器上工作,在模拟器上我有以下信息:‘运行Expo时出现问题’screen of ios emulator 在android模拟器上一切正常,我试图在我的mac和iphone模拟器上重新安装expo,我检查了很多帖子,但我没有看到完全相同的错误,这个问题可能是由于我 浏览23提问于2020-08-21得票数 0 ...
You may also want to update the theme by generating a new one, or go back to the default theme (to let users personalize your app for example). You can do it withuseMaterial3Themehook: import{useMaterial3Theme}from'@pchmn/expo-material3-theme';import{useColorScheme,View,Button}from'rea...
Android emulator iOS simulator Expo Go, a limited sandbox for trying out app development with Expo You can start developing by editing the files inside the app directory. This project uses file-based routing. Get a fresh project When you're ready, run: npm run reset-project This command will...