运行“eas build”时,我们收到以下错误 eas build ✔ Build for platforms › All ✔ Linked to project @{user}/{ProjectName} ✔ Using remote Android credentials (Expo server) Using Keystore from configuration: Build Credentials {ProjectName} (default) ✔ Compressed project files 1s (11.8 ...
eas build --platform ios 提示 image.png 第一步确认 xcode-select 已安装 sudo xcode-select--install 第二步 手动打开simulater(第一次必须手动打开) image.png 再次启动项目即可正常
npx create-expo-app frbeprojo001 cd frbeprojo001 npm run ios > iOs bundling complete and project opens correctly in iPhone emulator npx eas-cli@latest build:configure npx eas-cli@latest build --platform ios --local > RUN_FASTLANE error, Archive failed eas-cli-build-error.pdf I have n...
1. 安装 EAS CLI 首先,安装 EAS CLI,这是用来管理 EAS Build 的命令行工具: npm install -g eas-cli 2. 初始化 EAS 项目 进入你的项目根目录,初始化 EAS配置文件: eas build:configure 这将会在项目根目录生成一个eas.json文件,其中包含了构建配置选项。初始化过程中,你需要选择应用的构建平台(iOS、Android...
expobuild:ios --release-channel <your-channel>(production)expobuild:android --release-channel <your-channel> 当然这是传统方式,可以用最新的eas,我这没成功 eas submit--platform ios--url https://archive.ipa 即可 如果采用eas的方式的话,步骤如下: ...
Summary I was trying to build on EAS planning to release an iOS build. Did everything according to documentation. eas configure, and then ran eas build for ios. Build failed with following error: Command pod install failed. └─ Cause: Coc...
Use Maestro to run automated end-to-end tests on EAS. Deploy Create and submit app store-ready builds Kick off a build. Then we’ll submit it to the App Store and Play Store automatically if you like. Publish bug fixes in minutes Found a typo on your home screen? Don’t sweat: fix...
除此之外,您还可以选择使用 Expo 应用程序服务 (EAS): EAS Build在云端构建您的应用程序,因此您无需担心为 iOS 和 Android 设置构建环境。 EAS Submit将您的应用程序提交到应用商店,无需使用 Xcode 或 Android Studio。 EAS Update将JS 更新直接推送到您的最终用户。 对于Flutter,您可以使用像Codemagic这样的服务...
This repository includes the Expo SDK, Modules API, Go app, CLI, Router, documentation, and various other supporting tools.Expo Application Services (EAS)is a platform of hosted services that are deeply integrated with Expo open source tools. EAS helps you build, ship, and iterate on your app...