Expo 这个文档写的非常好。通俗易懂。细节也到位。强烈推荐。甚至比 React Native 国内的书籍要好很多。 https://docs.expo.dev/tutorial/introduction/ 一共分9个小节, 把 react native 的基础概念都覆盖到了: Create your first app Add navigation Build a screen Use an image picker Create a modal Add g...
Expo recently made it possible to target web, so you can write a single UI for native and web. I’m continually impressed. Otherwise next.js by@zeithqis incredible. Both of these projects have amazing docs, DX, and fast release cycles. ...
Expo recently made it possible to target web, so you can write a single UI for native and web. I’m continually impressed. Otherwise next.js by@zeithqis incredible. Both of these projects have amazing docs, DX, and fast release cycles. ...
docs: switch tocreate-expoto unify example creation (#474) May 9, 2024 upgrade-dependencies.sh fix: resolvelatestexpo version before upgrading Jan 19, 2024 README Expo Examples Easy example for using features, libraries, and other integrations with the Expo SDK!
"react-native-modal-dropdown": "^1.0.2", "react-native-paper": "^5.11.1", "react-native-paper-dates": "^0.22.9", "react-native-picker-select": "^9.0.1", "react-native-range-slider-expo": "^1.4.3", "react-native-reanimated": "3.10.1", ...
Documentation: Expo’s docs are complete, thorough, and detailed. The team has even provided a repository with example projects for people to experiment with Integrations: Expo works pretty well with other frameworks. Whether you want to integrate a library such as NativeWind to implement Tailwind...
react native expo 相机示例给出错误,如_Camera is not definedhttps://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/camera.html但我看到其他人已经让它工作了here 有没有人有一些关于如何使用相机模块的基本代码?或者调试为什么文档示例不起作用? 请您参考如下方法: ...
javascript 浏览屏幕后,Expo条码扫描器停止工作我也有同样的问题,我通过添加焦点事件(当屏幕聚焦时发出)...
有可能就从入门到放弃了。。。 由于最近又要开始react native的开发,所以重新翻了下官方 ...
Expo recently made it possible to target web, so you can write a single UI for native and web. I’m continually impressed. Otherwise next.js by@zeithqis incredible. Both of these projects have amazing docs, DX, and fast release cycles. ...