It seems just happened with builds for preview channel (.apk) while the builds for production channel (.aab) are all good baochungit commented Oct 28, 2022 Looking at the gradlew log I see the difference in number of lines for the same builds. What could make that difference? @gaishimo...
In the other hand, if I run eas build (both apk or aab) it adds LOCATION permissions which suppose an error on google play app submission. package: com.plenocentro.admintienda uses-permission: name='android.permission.INTERNET' uses-permission: name='android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW' use...
I am unable to reproduce this in Expo as the status is coming back as "granted", but I'm running a new build for the Android store that has more exposure to what is being returned and I can update when that goes out, but I would guess that the root cause of the issue is that ...
Track usage of --local build mode in analytics. (#2445 by @szdziedzic) Remove any mentions of deleted Xcode < 15 images. (#2438 by @szdziedzic)10.0.2 - 2024-06-17🐛 Bug fixesFix parsing of build.gradle file by gradle-to-js parser by filtering out empty single line comments. (#...
Only standalone apk is failing. I have created a new project after the news of official support of reanimatedv2 and when I ran first build it still had the same problem. Project link: If you think I am doing something wrong please clone the repo...
USAGE $ eas submit OPTIONS -p, --platform=(android|ios|all) --id=id ID of the build to submit --latest Submit the latest build for specified platform --non-interactive Run command in non-interactive mode --path=path Path to the .apk/.aab/.ipa file --profile=profile Name of the su...