India Med Expo 2024, the premier event in the Indian healthcare industry, featuring medical, surgical, hospital, and diagnostic solutions. Contact us!
1.2024 外贸形势 外围因素影响,欧美订单下滑,外贸订单出现碎片化,根据 WTO2023 数据分析中 得出世界外贸发展放缓增长,预计 2024 年将会有反弹至 3.2%增长趋势,加上人民币汇 率下跌,中国出台多个外贸利好外贸政策,2024 年将会是外贸回升,出海拓展市场好 时机。 注:2023 年和 2024 年为预测值。 来源:世贸组织的商品...
Mobile India Expo is being organized by Exhibitions India Group. It is a mobile technology exhibitions, technology conferences, Mobile India Expo & tech events in India taking place from 19-21 March 2025 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Mobile India expo 20
Policy Makers Top policy makers answer the most asked questions and lay down the Government roadmap for the future. Global Speakers International trends that are affecting business and policies across the world. Where is the world headed to?
Policy Makers Top policy makers answer the most asked questions and lay down the Government roadmap for the future. Global Speakers International trends that are affecting business and policies across the world. Where is the world headed to?
展会时间:2024年 9月 25日 - 2024年 9月 27日 Frequency: annual 展会地点:印度 - Expo Mart, Gr Noida, India Exhibition Introduction Previous Data photogallery Layout Exhibitor List Venue Comment0 prev next Subscribe Comment Share prev next
CCTV Expo is a one & only specialized exhibition in India for CCTVs,Access Control & Integration Systems & Security Technologies, The surveillance market in India has increased tremendously over the past decade. The high level security needs of the people have led to the demand for more refined...
2024年印度孟买阀门世界博览会(Valve World Expo India)展会时间:2024年9月19-20日 展会地址:印度孟买 展会届数:两年一届 大会主办方:德国杜塞尔多夫 中国区组织单位:贵州远辰博汇国际展览有限公司-十年境外油气泵阀展会组织经验 该展会中国代理为远辰博汇国际会展。可直接联络(微):lyl84204424,获取更多展位图、...
2024年印度国际可再生能源博览会Renewable Energy India Expo 展会时间:2024年10月03-05日 展会地点:印度-新德里-印度展览中心 展会届数:第17届(一年一届)主办单位:Informa Markets 中国区代理:北京英尚利华国际会展有限公司;河北英尚利华会展服务有限公司 展会简介 印度可再生能源展REI为来自可再生能源领域...
The Pharma India Expo 2024Current Challenges, Innovation, Opportunities & Advanced Technology in Pharma & Healthcare Industry.24-25-26 October, 2024Venue: Hitex Exhibition Center, Hyderabad, India-46 Days -8 Hours -12 Minutes -18 Seconds ...