materials used to make bombs, together with fertilizer, acid, large gas canisters, detonators, bomb-making equipment and explosive charges. 在这两个地方,他们发 现了大量用于制造炸弹的原 材料,还有化肥、酸、大型煤气罐、雷管、 制 造 炸弹的设备和炸药。[...
Power plant reactors use a very dilute concentration of U-235 in their fuel, a level which can never cause a nuclear detonation. It’s not even weapon's grade. Power reactors cannot explode like a nuclear bomb. Slowing down neutrons As mentioned above, before freshly-released neutrons in a ...
The bomb that the United States dropped on Hiroshima in Japan during World War II, in comparison, had a force of about 15 kilotons. Modern nuclear weapons have yields hundreds of times higher than that. The diagram has a caption in Farsi: "Changes in output and in en...
The current stockpile of nuclear weapons represents more than a million times the explosive power of the bomb whose destruction of Hiroshima so grieved him. 广岛毁于原子弹曾令甘地痛心疾首,而现在的核武器存量足以使广岛悲剧上演一百万次。 ProjectSyndicate A nuclear bomb could have been delivered ...