More than a dozen known impactors created 50 km sized craters (and larger) on Earth. One such example is the Manicouagan crater in Quebec, Canada. The crater is 215 million years old, and exhibits an 85 km diameter (image credit: NASA). The recent meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk brought ...
In the previous literature, the rate of wound infection was approximately 50–60% [24, 25], and the incidence rates of catheter-related infections and pneumonia were extremely low, which may be related to the following reasons. First, the burn area in most of our patients was greater than ...
Concurrently, the window of opportunity shrinks until gas arrival time is greater than about 90 days, at which point the gases do not arrive at all because concentrations have dropped below detectable limits due to radioactive decay. At this point, the window of opportunity becomes zero. The ...