The ocean, a vast and mysterious realm, holds an allure that has captivated humans for centuries. Its depths conceal a breathtaking tapestry of life, from the smallest plankton to the colossal blue whale. This underwater world, teeming with vibrant coral reefs, majestic sea...
Today, we're going to dive deep into the mysterious world of the ocean. Buckle up, because this is going to be a whale of a time!Did you know that our planet is mostly covered by water? That's right, over 70% of Earth's surface is ocean! The ocean is like a gigantic, watery ...
Deep Dive into Deep Sea: Exploring the Most Mysterious Levels of the Ocean Internationally renowned author and scientist Tim Flannery explores the most remote and mysterious levels of Earth’s oceans. Who is the giant squid’s mortal enemy? Can you see ghosts in the deep sea? What in the wo...
Exploring the sea-floor 海底勘探 Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land. The open sea was deep and mys...
Deep sea of Kyushu: Home to deep-sea creatures such as giant isopods, this tank offers a glimpse into the mysterious depths of the ocean. Dolphin and Sea Lion Shows: These popular shows, held daily, highlight the incredible agility and intelligence of these marine mammals. Pe...
That is,until 2012,when Drs.Edith Widder,Steve O’Shea and Tsunemi Kobodera filmed the elusive and mysterious giant in its natural deep-sea habitat for the first time—a landmark moment in ocean exploration and an example of how technology andingenuity can overcome the monumental challenges we...
This new interest has brought new collaboration between these nations for the common goal of understanding the extreme depths of the oceans and indeed this special issue emerged from this collaboration. On the 8th and 9th of June 2016, the new Hadal Science and Technology Research Center (HAST)...
•The mysterious fate of Sir John Franklin and his 128 man crew – last seen in Baffin Bay in July, 1845, as they sailed in search of the North-West Passage – is the subject of a new landmark exhibition opening at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich tomorrow.Death In The Ice:...
The world’s oceans hold their secrets close, including clues about how people lived tens of thousands of years ago. For a large portion of humanity’s existence, sea levels were significantly lower (up to 130 metres) than they are today, exposing millions of square kilometres of land. And...
Another example is in the case of parasitic birds which trick other species into raising their chicks by putting their own eggs into the nest of another bird. It seems mysterious how a bird raised by a different species knows what species it belongs to, and who to mate with...