In his thought-provoking book "The Stolen Life," Christian Gallant takes readers on an extraordinary journey through the lives of sixteen distinct characters, showcasing a world where "everything is real, yet nothing is truly real." This concept encapsulates the essence of biographical fiction, a...
In Chinese philosophy, particularly Confucianism, freedom is often equated with human desires, which must be curbed for societal harmony. The concept of "存天理而灭人欲" emphasizes the suppression of individual desires in favor of moral principles and social order. Even Daoism, with its emphasis o...
The results of this study have implications for human resources policy and workplace interventions. Organizations need to acknowledge the existence of generational differences in the concept of work while formulating diversity-based policies. They must also be attuned to trends, such as the desire for...
The vastness of space, juxtaposed against the fragility of human life, emphasizes the insignificance of humanity within the cosmic scheme of things. The relentless, impartial nature of 《地心引力英文》(Gravity) forces the characters, and by extension the audience, to confront the pr...
United Kingdom history of literature are situation awareness, exploring human existence, is a free spirit pursuit and dilemma of recorded human history, and the influence of Christianity on its runs through. In many of today's United Kingdom literature, Christian themes, theme reflected the influen...
For thousands of years, religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and others have accepted the concept of reincarnation as normal and operative in the universe. This is how they see the human soul advancing and learning; being born, living, dying, and being reborn again, but wh...
In the absence of destructive taphonomic processes, it is often assumed that the abundance of different anatomical portions represents selective transport and discard patterns of human groups. Because body parts may be transported for specific products such as meat, marrow or grease, a pattern that ...
Implicit Cognition:A New Window of Exploring Human Cognition and Learning Implicit cognition has been recognized as the important component of human cognition. A research and its new findings on implicit cognition provide a new p... S Tao,LI Bei-Lei - 《Journal of Beijing Normal University》 被...
Exploring the intersection between Nature, the Goddess, art, and poetry as well as the practical work of priestessing.
Therefore, given the importance of the emotional part of human life and understanding the necessity of skilled training to understand and manage one’s emotions, this research project tried to describe emotions and elaborate on the skills of emotional management and its relation to subjective wellness...