Exploring Green Finance Incentives in China2.1. China's Banking Sector2.2. Drivers of Green Finance in China2.3. National Policies and Initiatives2.4. International Banks and Green FinanceFinal Report
The knowledge-based view (KBV) has emerged as a pivotal framework in strategic management, particularly in the domain of environmental sustainability. This perspective argues that knowledge, particularly specialized ‘green’ knowledge, is critical for competitive differentiation. According to Grant (2021)...
The paper examines whether green innovation, ESG performance, and corporate reputation influence the stock market performance of listed firms in China. Initially, a mediated moderation analysis was performed to understand the complex dynamics between the variables using various statistical approaches such as...
As a key issue in recent international climate summits, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is confronted with the problem of insufficient financing. This paper intends to explore several schemes for raising the public finance of the GCF among developed countries. Lessons from three main ongoing internatio...
Therefore, China’s economic development faces significant pressure to reduce pollution. Studies have shown that the extensive development model of economic growth at the expense of resources and the environment is no longer feasible, making the green transformation of China’s economy imperative. The ...
Specific recommendations include the development of more efficient tax systems that adhere to the polluter-pays principle, as well as financial incentives such as tax credits and subsidies aimed at accelerating green technology adoption and innovation. In doing so, the study seeks to contribute to ...
This study aims to identify which determinants are responsible for impacting the user experience of three peer-to-peer (P2P) payment services in the Spanish market. A sample of all online reviews (n = 16,048) published in Google Play of three payte
Incentives will also be extended to institutions excelling in serving Tianjin's real economy. For example, the top 5 bond underwriters or underwriter branches in the city, particularly those underwriting technology bonds and green bonds, will receive annual rewards of up to 1 million yuan ($138,...
Zhang H, Zhang X, Zhao C, Yuan J (2021) Electricity consumption and economic growth in BRI countries: panel causality and policy implications Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 57:859–874 Zhang J (2019) Oil and gas trade between China and countries and regions along the ‘Belt and Road’...
Although China’s construction machinery thrives to meet the needs of construction, a number of challenges still remain to be overcome, such as lack o