When people in Europe heard this story, they began to talk about finding this lake and taking away the gold and treasure left on the bottom.The west of South Americ a was ruled by the Incas (印加人), who built great temples and palaces out of gold and shining treasure. The Spanish ...
Spanish explorers, who went to South America about 500 years ago, brought back the tomato to Europe. The French called them Love Apples, while the British called them Apples of Gold. Young men made necklaces of tomato seeds and presented them to their loved ones. 蕃茄最初来自墨西哥。 西班牙...
The west of South America was ruled by the Incas (印加人),who built great temples and palaces out of gold and shining treasure.The Spanish king heard about this.He sent his general,Francisco Pizarro,to South America to bring all their treasure back to Europe.Pizarro and his army landed in...
Waldseemüller later changed his mind and removed the name in 1513, believing that it was Columbus who discovered the New World. However it was too late, and the name stuck. 9. Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) The Portuguese explorer was the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean, and org...
The west of South America was ruled by the Incas (印加人), who built great temples and palaces out of gold and shining treasure. The Spanish king heard about this. He sent his general, Francisco Pizarro, to South America to bring all their treasure back to Europe. Pizarro and his army...
2. Who was Biarni looking for when he was blown to an unknown land? 3. How do we know about the Vikings? 第7页 1.针对课文所设置的任务,学生获取信息才能不错,可以看出学生通过自主学习已经根本理 形 解了课文内容。 成 2.在 Group discussion 环节,由于问题贴近学生生活,学生有话可...
Around 1292, he left China, acting as consort along the way to a Mongol princess who was being sent to Persia. In the centuries since his death, Polo has received the recognition that failed to come his way during his lifetime. So much of what he claimed to have seen has been verified...
Vast majority of polar explorers were only part of few expeditions to frozen continents, but only a few spent their entire life visiting them. One of those explorers is Robert Bartlett who went to Arctic more than 40 times. John Rae
Afonso de Albuquerque (14??-1515) was a Portuguese soldier and explorer who sailed to the Spice Islands (the Moluccas, a group of Islands in Indonesia) in 1507-1511, trying to monopolize trade with this area; from Europe, he sailed around Africa to the Indian Ocean. He was appointed the...
Surprised, the Explorer went to the Bowman Instructional School and met Athena Pierce, who explained that someone had stolen the treasure while it had been in transit from Rien to Henesys. She added that it was a very precious jewel, and so its owners had charged the Bowman Instructional ...