Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: expletive [eksˈpliːtɪv] A. N (Gram)→ palabra f expletiva; (= oath)→ palabrota f, improperio m B. ADJ (Gram)→ expletivo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: expletive [eksˈpliːtɪv] A. N (Gram)→ palabra f expletiva; (= oath)→ palabrota f, improperio m B. ADJ (Gram)→ expletivo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, ...
Expletive deleted : a good look at bad language Expletive Noun Phrases in Subcategorized Positions English Expletive Constructions Are Not Infected Expletive Negation, Negative Concord and Feature Checking Prosodic Structure and Expletive Infixation
6. Expletive - laced language filled her head各种脏话塞进她的头部。 7. The semantic and pragmatic features of english expletives从英语动词进行体的语用特征看其语义实质 8. It is a " damned human race " in a not merely expletive sense那是“倒霉的人类” ,这样说并非只是感叹的意思。 9. He...
5 .Expletive- laced language filled her head. 各种脏话塞进她的头部. 来自互联网 网络释义 -expletive 1 . 实词 communication n - 长沙315充气... ... explvery goodatory a.注释(性)的 expletive实词 explicitly ad.分明地,显式地. 2 . 填补物 ...
•Hesmokedand drank heavily, and hislanguagewasrichinexpletiveseven whenmixingwithseniordiplomatsandpoliticians.•Back in thepaddockhe wasgreetedby astreamofexpletives.•Theyouthobliged, adding afurtherstringofexpletives, just for goodmeasure.•There followed agroanof pain and a whole string of...
英文: Expletive-laced language filled her head.中文: 各种脏话塞进她的头部。英文: A word that stands in place of and anticipates a following word or phrase. In the sentence There are many books on the table, the word there functions as an expletive.中文: 语助词一个单词代替或提前指代某一...
expletive• Aimless minutes of hand wringing and expletives, followed by resignation.• He smoked and drank heavily, and his language was rich in expletives even when mixing with senior diplomats and politicians.• Back in the paddock he was greeted by a stream of expletives.• The youth...
+添加翻译 英文-菲律宾文字典 mura noun profane, vulgar term 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“expletive"翻译成 菲律宾文 变形干 Non-graphic nudity, mild language and simulated gambling are also permitted, but sexualexpletivesare not. ...
*pelə-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to fill," with derivatives referring to abundance and multitude. It forms all or part of:accomplish;complete;compliment;comply;depletion;expletive;fele;fill;folk;full(adj.);gefilte fish;hoi polloi;implement;manipulation;nonplus;plebe;plebeian;plebiscite;pl...