School Year Topics Learning Programmes Project Explorer Glossaries Bookshop HelpWhat is an explanation text? An explanation text is a specific type of writing and includes some identifiable features. Find out how your child's teacher will teach explanation texts and what your child needs to include...
years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period. ...
In 1938, Time Magazine chose Adolf Hitler for man of the year. Red sky at night, shepherds' delight. Blue sky at night, day. These prepositional phrases are functioning as adverbs: I used to work in a fire-hydrant factory. You couldn't park near the place. (Comedian Steven Wright...
The primary outcome of the trial was persistent physical symptoms judged by the PHQ-15 self-report scale (Kroenke et al., 2002) at one year after enrolment. The trial results have been submitted elsewhere for publication. Overall study participants had a median age of 47 (range 18–70). ...
Pattern of presentation and management of typhoid intestinal perforation in Sagamu, South-West Nigeria: a 15 year study. Niger J Med. 2008;17(4):387–390. 6. Gedik E, Girgin S, Tacyildiz IH, Akgun Y. Risk factors affecting morbidity in typhoid enteric perforation. Langenbecks Arch Surg....
On March 2, 2007, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President William Poole said that the Fed predicted the economy would grow 3% that year.6Poole added that he saw no reason for the stock market to decline much beyond current levels. He said stock prices were not overvalued as they...
THE CASE: A 6-year-old girl presents with a several-month history of genital discomfort that includes itching, irritation, and occasional bleeding. The mother reports that there is blood on the toilet paper after the child wipes herself. There has also been some ...
1 Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town with my f ather, far from my old family and friends. I was terribly lonely mad and would cry myself to sleep each night. To ease my sadness, my father purchased an old horse for me at a...
Earlier this year, Stanford psychologist Michal Kosinskipublished researchexamining the ability of LLMs to solve theory-of-mind tasks. He gave various language models passages like the one we quoted above and then asked them to complete a sentence like “she believes that the bag is full of.”...
2012;7(6):657–60. Article Google Scholar Tajika A, Ogawa Y, Takeshima N, Hayasaka Y, Furukawa TA. Replication and contradiction of highly cited research papers in psychiatry: 10-year follow-up. Br J Psychiatry. 2015; Available online July 2015: